Whenever you publish research or present results based on NARCCAP
data, please include the following acknowledgement or an appropriate
"We wish to thank the North American Regional Climate Change
Assessment Program (NARCCAP) for providing the data used in this
paper. NARCCAP is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the
U.S. Department of Energy (DoE), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Research and Development (EPA)."
When publishing results based on NARCCAP data, please also include
a citation for the dataset itself, such as the following:
Mearns, L.O., et al., 2007, updated 2012. The North
American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program dataset,
National Center for Atmospheric Research Earth System Grid data
portal, Boulder, CO. Data downloaded
2025-03-25. [doi:10.5065/D6RN35ST]
(This citation is based on the AMS citation form; for other
formats, see the explanation of citation structure on the citation page.)
The fundamental paper about NARCCAP to cite is:
Mearns, L. O., W. J. Gutowski, R. Jones, L.-Y. Leung, S. McGinnis,
A. M. B. Nunes, and Y. Qian: A regional climate change assessment
program for North America. EOS, Vol. 90, No. 36, 8 September
2009, pp. 311-312.
URL: http://www.agu.org/pubs/eos/eo0936.shtml
The major collaborators on NARCCAP are:
- NCAR: Linda O. Mearns, Seth McGinnis, Melissa Bukovsky,
Larry McDaniel, Don Middleton, Doug Nychka, Steve Sain
- ISU: Ray Arritt, William Gutowski, Dave Flory, Gene Takle
- OURANOS: Daniel Caya, Sebastien Biner
- LLNL: Phil Duffy, Dave Bader
- GFDL: Isaac Held
- Hadley Centre: Richard Jones, Wilfran Moufouma-Okia
- UQAM: Rene Laprise
- PNNL: Ruby Leung, Yun Qian
- Scripps: Ana Nunes (now at UFRJ), John Roads (Deceased)
- UC Santa Cruz: Lisa Sloan, Mark Snyder