When publishing research based on NARCCAP data, please include a
citation for the dataset itself, such as the following:
Mearns, L.O., et al., 2007, updated 2014. The North
American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program dataset,
National Center for Atmospheric Research Earth System Grid data
portal, Boulder, CO. Data downloaded
The fundamental paper about NARCCAP to cite is:
Mearns, L. O., W. J. Gutowski, R. Jones, L.-Y. Leung, S. McGinnis,
A. M. B. Nunes, and Y. Qian. "A regional climate change assessment
program for North America." EOS, Vol. 90, No. 36, 8 September
2009, pp. 311-312. [doi:10.1029/2009EO360002]
For acknowledgments, see the Acknowledgements page.
Explanation of Citation Structure
Dataset citation is a relatively new idea and standards are still
emerging, but a common approach is to structure the citation
analogously to that of a book, with a couple website citation elements
added on. The following form is adapted from the AMS citation form
for books and websites, and covers the most commonly included elements
in a dataset citation:
Authors, publication year. Dataset Title, Data
Center. Download date. [Access path (URL or DOI)]
Authors: These are the people who generated the data. For
NARCCAP, this is the list of everyone involved in running the climate
models, post-processing the model output into the standard NARCCAP
format, and quality-controlling and distributing the results. The
full list of authors is as follows:
Model/Role | Authors |
Lead | Mearns, Linda |
Data Mgr | McGinnis, Seth |
CRCM | Biner, Sebastien; Caya, Daniel; Laprise, René |
ECP2 | Nunes, Ana |
HRM3 | Jones, Richard; Moufouma-Okia, Wilfran; Tucker, Simon |
MM5I | Gutowski, William; Arritt, Raymond; Flory, David; Herzmann, Daryl; Takle, Gene; Macintosh, Christopher; Zoellick, Casey |
RCM3 | Snyder, Mark; Sloan, Lisa, O'Brien, Travis |
WRFG | Leung, Ruby; Correia, James; Qian, Yun |
CAM3 | Duffy, Phillip; Teng, Haiyan; Strand, Gary |
GFDL | Held, Isaac; Wyman, Bruce |
QC | McGinnis, Seth; Thompson, Josh; Anitha, Anila; McDaniel, Larry |
If a citation format requires a full list of authors in lieu of an
et al listing, please use this ordering:
Mearns, Linda;
McGinnis, Seth;
Arritt, Raymond;
Biner, Sebastien;
Duffy, Phillip;
Gutowski, William;
Held, Isaac;
Jones, Richard;
Leung, Ruby;
Nunes, Ana;
Snyder, Mark;
Caya, Daniel;
Correia, James;
Flory, David;
Herzmann, Daryl;
Laprise, René;
Moufouma-Okia, Wilfran;
Takle, Gene;
Teng, Haiyan;
Thompson, Josh;
Tucker, Simon;
Wyman, Bruce;
Anitha, Anila;
Buja, Lawrence;
Macintosh, Christopher;
McDaniel, Larry;
O'Brien, Travis;
Qian, Yun;
Sloan, Lisa;
Strand, Gary;
Zoellick, Casey
(Ordering: program lead, then data manager, then lead contributors for
each model, then major contributors, then other contributors, with
each sub-group ordered alphabetically by last name.)
Publication Year: When a dataset is not published at a
single instant in time, list the publication date as the year of
initial publication, followed by "updated" with the year of the most
recent update. NARCCAP data was first published in 2007.
Title: This is the identifying name of the dataset at a
whole. NARCCAP's official name is "The North American Regional
Climate Change Assessment Program dataset".
Data Center: The data center is the distributor of the data,
and is analogous to the publisher of a printed work. NARCCAP data is
distributed via NCAR's Earth System Grid data portal.
Download Date: It is good practice for citations of
electronic resources to note the date of access, in case the resource
changes at some point in the future.
Access Path: The most useful component of a citation for an
electronic resource is a followable reference to the location. A DOI
(Digital Object Identifier) is a persistent pointer to a resource that
should remain valid even when the data moves. We do not yet have a
DOI for NARCCAP, but are working on obtaining one. Until then, the
URL for the top-level access page on the Earth System Grid is a
reasonable substitute.
Please also see the Acknowledgements page for
information on how to properly acknowledge NARCCAP in research
publications using this data.