Notes from the Climate Analysis group
precalculated diurnal cycle per month - T, P, cloud cover/fraction, sfc wind
- for 2D vars - 3h monthly average
- all table 2 & table 3 fields?
storm track metric: 500 mb variance, u' v', jet location
TC identification?
CAPE, CIN, shear, &/or other instability fields (moisture convergence/div, moisture flux) or other fields the RCMs should hndle better than GCMs (for regional detail)
monthly mean precomputed ensembles & ensemble variances
driving model data and if not, at least driving model data specifics (run #, etc.)
- -- at least monthly mean data, maybe daily (w/ diurnal cycle?) available from website
- --for sfc variables
- --precalc ENSO, MJO indices from drawing model to know if one was there
? or list of years w/ El Nino / la Nina to avoid download all years
if not needed
list of parameterizations used & links on website to main paper
NARCCAP users & modelers reference list w/ link to manuscripts
one page summary &/or list of references per model
- parameterizations, internal nudging
recommended datasets (reanalysis) - links to them
other derived diagnostic fields from 3D fields
disaggregated levels - e.g., 500 mb heights, 240 mb wind
- need for reduced # 3D levels (standard heights)
- may want only 1 level (new esg system already does this?)
easy esg subsetting and suggested links
should decide & precalc some common vert. integrated & derived vars
info on caveats for users
how driving models fit into distribution of AR4 models
precalc histograms of the data downloaded
- or basic/preview stats
- what kind of distribution most useful
- ways to reduce data needed for high freq. description
- 2d vars that describe extremes (short list) (e.g. Tebaldi vars)