This directory contains the static (Table 4) variables. Because these variables are static (not changing over time or from run to run), these files are small and don't fit well into the organizational scheme used for files on the ESG data portal. Therefore, they are distributed on the NARCCAP website. Typically, each of these variables will consist of a single, unchanging, 2-D field per RCM, so there's only one file per variable per model. The following exceptions exist: # CRCM sftlf: A slightly different landmask was used for the NCEP-driven run as for the GCM-driven runs. # HRM3 winds: Winds from the HRM3 runs have been published on cross points, not dot points (using the Arakawa B grid). Therefore, the lat-lon coordinates of the centers of the gridcells in the winds files are offset by half a gridcell relative to all the other variables. Therefore, there's an extra set of latlon files for the HRM3 winds. # GFDL mrsofc, landtyp, and grndtyp: In the GFDL timeslice, landtyp and mrsofc change over time (annually), and differ from the current period to the future period. Also, the classifications that are lumped under "landtyp" in other models are split in the GFDL model into "landyp" and "grndtyp" (which does not vary over time).